About Us
BOGI is a not-for-profit community organisation run by volunteers, who are all members. We have no paid or salaried staff.
BOGI was formed in 1975 with a meeting of people interested in ‘Growing Organically‘. Since then it has had many members some of them who still regularly attend our meetings. Our membership consists of people from all walks of life, abilities and knowledge, skills vary from beginners to very experienced, ages range from young, to middle aged and even retired.
Whether you grow edibles or ornamentals, trees or succulents, have a wheelbarrow, large garden, balcony or an acre or two do it organically.
Gardening is one of life’s great mysteries and Mother Nature holds all the cards so working with nature is a good place to start and getting help and advice is another.
Our aims are to:
- Encourage people to use organic methods in their gardens
- Stop using chemicals and artificial fertilisers
- Care for the soil through composting, worm farming, mulching, re-using and recycling waste and living environmentally sustainably.
- Create a healthy ecosystem so natural predators are encouraged and plants are strong enough to resist attack from pest and diseases.
- Produce healthy plants that will resist disease and be safer for human consumption.
- Encourage native wildlife through reducing the use of dangerous chemicals
- Encourage nature through planting native species to encourage insects, frogs, birds and all wildlife that are part of our biodiversity.
- Ensure that water from all sources is economically used to sustain all plantings.
- Encourage less waste in our garbage by recycling it into compost
- Grow plants with companion plants which deter pests.
Some Basic Organic Growing Points
Growing “organically” by definition, is growing without the use of chemical pesticides and fertilisers, using open pollinated seed – free from Genetic Engineering.
Organic growing can be done anywhere from garden beds, boxes on balconies to acreage and large farms. The work involved only increases with the size the operation, the enjoyment increasing with each successive crop. Organic Gardening is working with nature, using the natural resources of soil, air, water, with the return of animal and plant waste, to create healthy soil.
Healthy soil has high humus levels by using compost, a balance of water, drainage, light and shade, microbes assist plants to assimilate nutrients and minerals.
Diversity of plant species, not mono-culture is what Organic Gardening is all about. Plants grown in healthy soil are healthy and resistant to pest and diseases. Thus, what happens below the ground is as important as what happens above. The building of healthy soil takes time, persistence and patience and MULCH. Note how the rewards, with each successive crop, are highlighted.
A ‘no dig’ garden created in one hour will be ready for your first organic crop in days.
Pest control is best achieved by inter-mixing small numbers of different species of plants together. Consider the type of plants you select for planting. Introduced species are sometimes less pest resistant, as they are not native to the area. Consider planting native crops (e.g.. New Zealand spinach and Taro) as these will be more in balance with their surroundings, hence stronger and pest resistant and/or encourage birds, try garlic, buy a duck.
Aim towards sustainable, self sufficiency! Wise use of resources including your time and energy, the use and re-use of water, returning of all organic matter to the soil (worms and poultry). Recycling, will develop a system within your home and property which utilises as many otherwise waste resources as possible. Generally artificial or chemically manufactured fertilisers are water soluble and with over use they leach into our waterways and can create a watery plant that looses its balance with nature, making the plant more susceptible to pest and disease attack. Make and use more compost which together with mulching reduces leaching.
Compost is essential to organic gardening. The principle of compost making follows the procedure of nature. Natures mulch is fallen leaves and this is first stage to compost. With the help of worms, heat, air and microbes mulch is further broken down to Compost, and thus Humus is formed.
Develop a system which is sustainable for yourself, your lifestyle, your time, your energy. Start small and expand as your understanding of Organic Growing expands. Seek advice, assess it and adapt it to your situation. Make your goals realistic.